30 Great Baby Shower Quotes To Customize KOOZIES® and Coolies!
Planning a baby shower can be both exciting and time consuming! Whether you are throwing a gender reveal party, or want a laid back baby shower with your closest friends, KOOZIE® and coolies make the perfect party favors to hand out to your family and friends! They also make great invitations for your guests or if you’re feeling up to the challenge then you can make them into a game as well. The simple custom coolie can serve many purposes but if you’re having trouble coming up with the perfect quote to use don’t fret yet. Below is a list of our top-selling designs for 2023.

Top 30 Baby Shower Quotes
- “For your drink to celebrate the baby in pink”
- “Such a Big Miracle in Such a Little Girl”
- “Oh Baby! Oh Baby! [insert name] Coming Soon”
- “Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart”
- “A Little Buck Is On His Way”
- “Product of Quarantine”
- “A baby makes footprints in our hearts that never dim or fade”
- “You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Grey”
- “B is for Boy”
- “Here’s to hugs and laughter as we welcome [insert name] to our happily ever after”
- “A New Pea in the Pod”
- “Newest Member of Happy Hour”
- “Shit Got Real”
- “A Little Wild One is on the Way”
- “Baby [insert name] is Brewing”
- “Burgers, Beer and Baby Talk”
- “Huggies and Chuggies. Celebrating Dad-To-Be-[insert name]”
- “Anchor’s Aweigh! Captain [Insert Name] is on his way”
- “Tractors, trucks, and toys. There is nothing quite like little boys”
- “A bun in the oven, and burgers on the grill”
- “Two feet that are oh so sweet, a new baby girl we can’t wait to meet!”
- “Quarantine Wasn’t So Boring”
- “A new little sweetheart is on her way”
- “A brand new little baby boy to fill our hearts and lives with joy”
- “Aloha Baby [insert name]”
- “Little Man Is On His Way…”
- “Tiny But Mighty”
- “Cheers and many beers”
- “Ahoy! It’s A Boy”
- “[insert name] has been upgraded to big sister”

Quarantine Pregnancies
I’m sure you’re heard it said before a million times but this is a new normal for us all while adjusting to Covid-19. One fun aspect from having millions of people spend all day at home could be a bunch of new babies coming our way. So don’t be surprised when your friend calls you up about hosting a shower.

As mentioned Custom KOOZIE® and coolies work great to hand out as party favors, invitations or to announce where your registered along with a dozen other uses besides keeping your drink cool. They also make great keepsakes for all your guests to remember the newborn and the family in the times ahead. If interested, you can check out this video we made recently all about the versatility of the personalized baby shower coolie. Whenever you’re ready to get this ball rolling just head on over to our website to fill out a free proof form and our designers will work with you every step of the way!